This is part of MSU Video Quality Measurement tool Online Help for MSU VQMT 12.1

MSU Video Quality Measurement Tool (MSU VQMT) project:

Online help for MSU VQMT 12.1 contents:


List of available metrics



  • Color components: Y U V L R G B RGB YUV
  • Type: reference metric
  • Usage: -metr psnr <color component>



  • Color components: Y U V L R G B RGB YUV
  • Type: reference metric
  • Usage: -metr identity <color component>

This metric can be configured using next parameter(s):

  • Type
    Possible types:
    • binary - 1 images are similar, 0 in other case
    • pixels - proportion of similar pixels, 1 - all pixels are same (0..1)
      Default value: binary
      Usage: -set "type=<value>", where <value> can be:
    • binary
    • pixels



  • Color components: Y U V
  • Type: reference metric
  • Usage: -metr ssim <color component>
  • Usage: -metr ssim_precise <color component>
  • Usage: -metr ssim_gpu_id <color component>
  • Usage: -metr ssim_cuda <color component>
  • Usage: -metr ssim <color component> -dev OpenCL0



  • Color components: Y U V
  • Type: reference metric
  • Usage: -metr msssim <color component>
  • Usage: -metr msssim_precise <color component>
  • Usage: -metr msssim_cuda <color component>
  • Usage: -metr msssim <color component> -dev OpenCL0



  • Color components: Y U V
  • Type: reference metric
  • Usage: -metr 3ssim <color component>
  • Usage: -metr 3ssim_cuda <color component>
  • Usage: -metr 3ssim <color component> -dev OpenCL0



  • Color components: Y
  • Type: reference metric
  • Usage: -metr vqm <color component>



  • Color components: Y
  • Type: no-reference metric
  • Usage: -metr blocking <color component>



  • Color components: Y R G B
  • Type: no-reference metric
  • Usage: -metr blurring <color component>
  • Color components: Y U V R G B
  • Usage: -metr blurring_delta <color component>



  • Color components: Y U V L R G B
  • Type: reference metric
  • Usage: -metr delta <color component>



  • Color components: Y U V L R G B
  • Type: reference metric
  • Usage: -metr msad <color component>



  • Color components: Y U V L R G B
  • Type: reference metric
  • Usage: -metr mse <color component>


Time shift

  • Color components: Y
  • Type: reference metric
  • Usage: -metr time-shift <color component>

This metric can be configured using next parameter(s):

  • Max. shift
    Maximum shift, that can be detected. Note: large values leads big memory consumption
    Default value: 5
    Usage: -set "max-shift=<value>", where <value> can be:
    • value in range 0..25
  • Direction
    Detect only positive shifts (frame dups), negatives (frame drops) or both
    Default value: both
    Usage: -set "direction=<value>", where <value> can be:
    • positive
    • negative
    • both
  • Destination metric
    This metric will be used to measure similarity between frames
    Default value: psnr
    Usage: -set "metric=<value>", where <value> can be:
    • psnr
    • ssim
  • Show metric values
    Metric will output now only shift, but destination metric values
    Default value: false
    Usage: -set "show-metric=<value>", where <value> can be:
    • true
    • false
  • Threshold
    We will consider shift only if metric for neighbour frame better than this thresold multiplied to metric for similar frame
    Default value: 0.99500000476837158
    Usage: -set "threshold=<value>", where <value> can be:
    • any floating point number
  • Smoothing
    Will smooth metric values over time. If equal n, than smoothing will be in the interval frame-n..frame+n
    Default value: 1
    Usage: -set "smoothing=<value>", where <value> can be:
    • value in range 0..25



  • Color components: Y
  • Type: no-reference metric
  • Usage: -metr si <color component> -dev CPU



  • Color components: Y
  • Type: no-reference metric
  • Usage: -metr ti <color component> -dev CPU



  • Color components: Y
  • Type: no-reference metric
  • Usage: -metr niqe <color component>

This metric can be configured using next parameter(s):

  • Mean threshold
    Values of metric greater than this value will be skipped during mean calculation. 0 for disable skipping
    Default value: 15.000000000000000
    Usage: -set "mean_thresh=<value>", where <value> can be:
    • any floating point number
  • Threshold smoothing
    Values of metric greater than ‘Mean threshold’ + ‘Threshold smoothing’ will be skipped, values less than ‘Mean threshold’ - ‘Threshold smoothing’ will be assumed with weight 1. Intermediate values will be taken with intermediate weight
    Default value: 5.0000000000000000
    Usage: -set "mean_thresh_smoothing=<value>", where <value> can be:
    • any floating point number
  • Type of normalization
    • fast - the fastest algorithm, low precision
      • native - like in native NIQE implementation. Slowest one
      • precise - the most precise algorithm
        Default value: native
        Usage: -set "norm_alg=<value>", where <value> can be:
    • fast
    • native
    • precise


Netflix VMAF

  • Color components: Y
  • Type: reference metric
  • Usage: -metr vmaf <color component>

This metric can be configured using next parameter(s):

  • Model preset
    Choose built-in model or ‘custom’ for loading model from file. Built-in models:
    • default - VMAF default behaviour:
      • VMAF v0.6.1 for running without confidence interval and per-model values
      • VMAF v0.6.1 4k for previous case if applying 4k model
      • VMAF v0.6.3 for running with confidence interval or per-model values
      • VMAF v0.6.2 4k for previous case if applying 4k model (NOTE: no v0.6.3 for 4k)
    • vmaf_v061 - Netflix model VMAF v0.6.1 (2k or 4k)
    • vmaf_v062 - Netflix model VMAF v0.6.2 (2k or 4k), supports confidence interval
    • vmaf_v063 - Netflix model VMAF v0.6.3 (only 2k), supports confidence interval
    • all_models - vmaf_v061 - vmaf_v063 computed sumultaneously
    • basic_features - view only basic features from VMAF. Model will not be applied
    • standard_features - features that is used in VMAF v0.6.1 and VMAF score (2k or 4k)
    • all_features - view all features from VMAF. Model will not be applied
    • all - all feature and next models:
      • VMAF v0.6.1 (2k or 4k)
      • VMAF v0.6.2 (2k or 4k)
      • VMAF v0.6.3
        Default value: default
        Usage: -set "model_preset=<value>", where <value> can be:
    • default
    • vmaf_v061
    • vmaf_v062
    • vmaf_v063
    • vmaf_v060
    • all_models
    • basic_features
    • standard_features
    • all_features
    • all
    • custom
  • Custom model (*.pkl)
    you can specify path to *.pkl file here (or multiple ;-separated *.pkl files). Model file should be placed near pkl file.
    NOTE: this only means if preset is set to ‘custom’
    Default value: ``
    Usage: -set "custom_model_files=<value>", where <value> can be:
    • any string
  • 4k
    selection 4k model policy:
    • auto - select 4k if exists suitable model and input video is 4k
    • forced_2k - always 2k model
    • forced_4k - 4k if exsists: VMAF v0.6.1-2
      NOTE: this param does not affects custom model
      Default value: auto
      Usage: -set "4k=<value>", where <value> can be:
    • auto
    • forced_2k
    • forced_4k
  • Confidence interval
    turn on additional VMAF features: 95%-confidence interval output and other statistical information
    Default value: false
    Usage: -set "confidence_interval=<value>", where <value> can be:
    • true
    • false
  • Per-model values
    output values for all bootstrap models if confidence interval is on
    Default value: false
    Usage: -set "permodel_values=<value>", where <value> can be:
    • true
    • false
  • Visualize algorithm (if on)
    if visualization turned on you can select feature to visualize. It’s impossible to calculate distribution of real VMAF value, so you can only visualize one of supposed features
    Default value: default
    Usage: -set "visualize_alg=<value>", where <value> can be:
    • default
    • adm
    • ansnr
    • motion
    • vif
  • Use phone model
    turn on postprocessing of metric value that produces more precise results for handheld devices. Select ‘both’ to see both results with and without postprocessing
    Default value: no
    Usage: -set "phone_model=<value>", where <value> can be:
    • no
    • yes
    • both
  • Disable clipping values
    turn off clipping value to range set by model (0..100 for example)
    Default value: false
    Usage: -set "disable_clip=<value>", where <value> can be:
    • true
    • false
  • Usage: -metr vmaf <color component> -dev OpenCL0


Test OpenCL



  • Color components: Y U V L R G B
  • Type: reference metric
  • Usage: -metr testocl <color component> -dev OpenCL0

This page is automatically generated by 12.1 dev2 r12640 on 2021-02-05. In case of any question or suggestion, please mail us:

05 Feb 2021
See Also
Site structure