MSU Video Super-Resolution Quality Assessment Challenge 2024

MSU Video Super-Resolution Quality Assessment Challenge

G&M Lab head: Dr. Dmitriy Vatolin
Artem Borisov,
Ivan Molodetskikh

The first Super-Resolution Quality Assessment Challenge!

  • Large Super-Resolution Quality Assessment dataset covering many major Video Super-Resolution use cases
  • Evaluating metrics on three subsets: Easy, Moderate and Hard
  • The score on the hidden part of the test set will not be shown until the end of the challenge


The task is to develop an Image/Video Super-Resolution Quality Assessment metric.


Video and Image Super-resolution (SR) has garnered extensive research in recent years, with new articles appearing monthly. However, as comparison of known image/video quality metrics shows, the task of Super-Resolution Quality Assessment is different from the task of simple Image and Video Quality Assessment (you should compare the leaderboards of our benchmarks: Video Quality Metrics and Super-Resolution Quality Metrics). Therefore, competition of metrics oriented specifically to Super-Resolution is necessary.


We provide the participants with train & validation subsets made of Ground-Truth videos and the same videos after applying bicubic downsampling, video codecs and Super-Resolution methods. Extra 15+ hidden test videos will be used for final evaluation. Participants will see test results for 30% of the hidden test videos, full results will be available by the end of the competition.

Dataset will be available as soon as challenge starts.

Organizers from MSU Graphics & Media Lab

Ivan Molodetskikh

Received his M.S. degree in computer science from the Moscow State University in 2020. He is currently a PhD student at the MSU Graphics & Media Lab. His research interests include image inpainting, semantic video matting and machine learning. Ivan had supervised the development of the MSU benchmark of super-resolution for quality enhancement and the development of a super-resolution detection method. Currently he is supervising research related to super-resolution in the Graphics & Media Lab.

Artem Borisov

He is currently in his 3rd year of undergraduate studies. Artem is the main contributor to the MSU Super-Resolution Quality Metrics Benchmark. His research interests include Super-Resolution, Super-Resolution Quality Assessment Metrics and its robustness, as well as Image and Video Quality Assessment Metrics</a>.

07 May 2024
See Also
Super-Resolution for Video Compression Benchmark
Learn about the best SR methods for compressed videos and choose the best model to use with your codec
Video Colorization Benchmark
Explore the best video colorization algorithms
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