Call for fourth MSU HEVC codecs comparison - 2018

Thirteenth modern video codec comparison
For real researchers, developers and professional users in field of high-end video compression

UPDATE 06/03/2018

Hardware info and speed requirements is anounced
Developers could send codec with presets to

Important Dates

March, 5 18 Deadline for applications

Participant has to send us name of codec (with name of encoding standard if not HEVC), name of company and number of presets that he wants to use.

March, 31 Deadline for receipt of a codec with required presets
April, 25 Deadline for settling technical problems with codec’s functioning
August, 7 Draft version of report that will be sent to all participants
August, 14 Deadline for reception of comments to the draft
August, 25 Comparison report release

Task of the Comparison

To perform comparative unbiased analysis of the current software and hardware (GPU-based) implementations of HEVC/H.265 video coding standard and compare it to the best implementations of other video coding standards (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, VP9, VP8 and MPEG-4) using objective metrics.

Typical Scope of Test

Summary report topics:

Comparison methodology main points:

Software and methodology for encoder analysis

MSU team has up to 21 years of experience in video codec analysis, testing, optimization. Here are some facts about the Previous MSU Video Codecs Comparisons:

In addition, you can check out some useful links about previous video codec comparisons:

Comparison Rules

This year encoder developers send us a bundle of same presets (with different speed/quality characteristics) for all use-cases.

Please pay attention that we will use multi-core CPU for encoding, so you can use multi-threading.

Test Hardware Characteristics

Next hardware for codec testing will be used:

Encoding speed requirements

For encoder alignment selected presets should provide following encoding speed:
All speed requirements are for 1080p sequence encoded at 6Mbps:

Codec Requirements

Developers Deliverables

Following deliverables should be provided by each developer:


Special thanks to the following contributors of our previous comparisons

Google Intel AMD NVidia
ATI Adobe ISPhone dicas
KDDI R&D labs Dolby Tata Elxsi Octasic
Qualcomm Voceweb Elgato



01 Apr 2018
See Also
Learning-Based Image Compression Benchmark
The First extensive comparison of Learned Image Compression algorithms
Call for HEVC codecs 2019
Fourteen modern video codec comparison
HEVC Video Codecs Comparison 2018 (Thirteen MSU Video Codec Comparison)
13th MSU video codecs comparison
HEVC Video Codecs Comparison 2017 (Twelfth MSU Video Codec Comparison)
12th MSU video codecs comparison
MSU Video Codec Comparisons (6 test of lossless, MPEG-4 and MPEG-4 AVC)
Effective Video Transcoding
Site structure