MSU Annual Video Codecs Comparison 2019: Call for codecs

All industry professionals will know about your codec’s success!

Fourteen modern video codecs comparison
For real researchers, developers and professional users in field of high-end video compression

Important Dates

March, 10 Deadline for receipt of a codec with required presets

Participants are to provide a codec’s name (and the name of encoding standard if not H.265/HEVC), a company name, and list of use cases in which they want to participate

March, 1

February, 25

March, 10

March, 25

August (the day will be announced)

August (the day will be announced)

August (the day will be announced)

About Annual MSU Video Codecs Comparisons

MSU team has up to 21 years of experience in video codec analysis, testing and optimization. Some facts about previous MSU Video Codecs Comparisons:

Structure of this page:

Survey: “What would you like to see in comparison reports?”

Special thanks to our sponsors
Contact information

New features in MSU Video Codecs Comparison

Since 2019
  • Increasing the number of test videos up to 100+, adding UGC (user-generated) videos
  • (vlogs, noise videos, etc.)
  • Open to compare cloud-based solutions
  • Enlarging of video collection
  • Going to use new no-reference metrics
Since 2018
  • Increased target bitrates for comparison on 4K videos
  • Started to use VMAF objective metric
  • Upgraded testing hardware to
  • Coffee Lake
  • Enlarged video collection (15833 videos)
Since 2017
  • Started to perform subjective comparisons with hundreds of observers
  • Started to compare AV1
  • Enlarged video collection (9299 videos)
Since 2016
  • New methodology of videos selection
  • New video collection (2909 videos)

Task of the Comparison

We perform comparative unbiased analysis for

of H.265/HEVC video coding standard and compare it to the best implementations of other video coding standards (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AV1, VP9, VP8, MPEG-4 and other) using objective metrics (SSIM, VMAF, PSNR and other).

With MSU Codecs Comparison developers can verify the perfomance of their codec. We share test sequences, encoding parameters (presets) and encoder versions so all developers can reproduce the results of the comparison. Participation with publishing of all results is FREE.

Scope of Test

Summary report topics:

Comparison methodology main points:

Encoders analysis rules

Comparison Rules

This year encoder developers send us a bundle of same presets (with different speed/quality characteristics) for all use-cases.
Please pay attention that we will use multi-core CPU for encoding, so you can use multi-threading

Test Hardware Characteristics

Next hardware for codecs testing will be used:

Encoding speed requirements

For encoder alignment selected presets should provide following encoding speed.
All speed requirements are checked at video sequence encoded at 6Mbps:

Codec Requirements

Developers Deliverables

Following deliverables should be provided by each developer:

Take part in MSU codecs comparison!

Deepest codecs review: 5 reports, including subjective with 1000+ viewers and 7000+ charts

If you want to participate with several codecs, please list them and point their standards via checkboxes.


Codec name


  • Other

Company name (developer)

Nominations (encoding use-cases) in which you want to participate:

  • Other

There are 2 kinds of participation for codec developers. Please choose one:

What would you like to see in MSU Codecs Comparison reports?

What information in previous comparison was the most useful for you?

Any feedback on previous comparison:

What would you like to see in future comparisons? (additional use cases, video sequences, codecs, updated methodology, another metrics, etc.)

Your name (optional)

Email (optional)


Special thanks to the following contributors of our previous comparisons



25 Feb 2019
See Also
Learning-Based Image Compression Benchmark
The First extensive comparison of Learned Image Compression algorithms
HEVC Video Codecs Comparison 2018 (Thirteen MSU Video Codec Comparison)
13th MSU video codecs comparison
HEVC Video Codecs Comparison 2017 (Twelfth MSU Video Codec Comparison)
12th MSU video codecs comparison
MSU Video Codec Comparisons (6 test of lossless, MPEG-4 and MPEG-4 AVC)
Call for HEVC codecs 2018
Effective Video Transcoding
Site structure