First Annual MSU MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Video Codec Comparison

For professional users and codec authors

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Part 3. Additional testing

Average brightness shift diagrams

These diagrams show average shift of brightness produced by the codecs. Coordinates of the basic points represent average brightness values for the whole sequence and the number of measurement (bit rate). So each branch contains ten points that correspond to different bit rates.

Bankomatdi sequence

Picture 36. Y-difference. Sequence bankomatdi


Battle sequence

Picture 37. Y-difference. Sequence battle


Bbc3di sequence

Picture 38. Y-difference. Sequence bbc3di


Foreman sequence

Picture 39. Y-difference. Sequence foreman


Susidi sequence

Picture 40. Y-difference. Sequence susidi


Bit rate handling diagrams

These diagrams show how codecs handle different bit rates. Every branch consists of ten points that correspond to different bit rates. Value “1” means that the codec keeps the specified bit rate; value more than “1” means that the codec actually compresses with the higher bit rate than was specified.

Bankomatdi sequence

Picture 41. Bit rate handling. Sequence bankomatdi


Battle sequence

Picture 42. Bit rate handling. Sequence battle


Bbc3di sequence

Picture 43. Bit rate handling. Sequence bbc3di


Foreman sequence

Picture 44. Bit rate handling. Sequence foreman


Susidi sequence

Picture 45. Bit rate handling. Sequence susidi


Per frame sequences comparison

These diagrams show how compression quality changes from frame to frame. X-axis coordinate represents the number of the frame and Y-axis coordinate represents PSNR-value for this frame. Significant constant difference on the susidi diagram is caused by the noise suppression in every second frame (B-frames options in MPEG-2 coder).

Bankomatdi sequence

Bit rate = 100 Kb/sec

Bit rate = 700 Kb/sec

Bit rate = 2340 Kb/sec

Battle sequence

Bit rate = 100 Kb/sec

Bit rate = 700 Kb/sec

Bit rate = 2340 Kb/sec

Bbc3di sequence

Bit rate = 100 Kb/sec

Bit rate = 700 Kb/sec

Bit rate = 2340 Kb/sec

Foreman sequence

Bit rate = 100 Kb/sec

Bit rate = 700 Kb/sec

Bit rate = 2340 Kb/sec

Susidi sequence

Bit rate = 100 Kb/sec

Bit rate = 700 Kb/sec

Bit rate = 2340 Kb/sec

Visual comparison of H.264 and DivX codecs

Bbc3di sequence, frame 280

The following examples demonstrate better image quality after compression with the H.264 codec in comparison with DivX.

Picture 46. Bbc3di frame 280. Ateme Picture 47. Bbc3di frame 280. DivX
Picture 48. Bbc3di frame 280. Ateme Picture 49. Bbc3di frame 280. DivX
Picture 50. Bbc3di frame 280. Ateme Picture 51. Bbc3di frame 280. DivX

Foreman sequence, frames 282 and 9

The following examples demonstrate better image quality after compression with the H.264 codec in comparison with DivX.

Picture 52. Foreman frame 282. Ateme Picture 53. Foreman frame 282. DivX
Picture 54. Foreman frame 282. Ateme Picture 55. Foreman frame 282. DivX
Picture 56. Foreman frame 282. Ateme Picture 57. Foreman frame 282. DivX


The following examples demonstrate close results from the image quality point of view for DivX and H.264.

Picture 58. Foreman frame 9. Ateme Picture 59. Foreman frame 9. DivX
Picture 60. Foreman frame 9. Ateme Picture 61. Foreman frame 9. DivX
Picture 62. Foreman frame 9. Ateme Picture 63. Foreman frame 9. DivX
10 Mar 2011
See Also
Super-Resolution for Video Compression Benchmark
Learn about the best SR methods for compressed videos and choose the best model to use with your codec
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Fourteen modern video codec comparison
HEVC Video Codecs Comparison 2018 (Thirteen MSU Video Codec Comparison)
13th MSU video codecs comparison
HEVC Video Codecs Comparison 2017 (Twelfth MSU Video Codec Comparison)
12th MSU video codecs comparison
MSU Video Codec Comparisons (6 test of lossless, MPEG-4 and MPEG-4 AVC)
Call for HEVC codecs 2018
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