MSU Cartoon Restore Filter 2.0 beta

One of the most prominent coding artifacts in highly compressed animated video are the ringing artifacts. Ringing noise preferably manifest itself around edges due to coarse quantization. The filter is designed for quality improvement of compressed cartoons like video by deleting ringing artifacts.

Change Log

Version 2.0b
[+] Added GPU implementation.
[+] Filter performance increased

Version 1.3
[+] GUI improvement
[+] Added motion adaptive mode (filter speedup!)
[+] Added new algorithm Image Similarity (beta version)

Version 1.1
[+] First filter release

Comparison with version 1.3

for configuration: Inter Core2Duo T7300 2.0GHz, Nvidia 8600M GT, 2.0GB RAM, ForceWare 174.31



Simple mode

Filter's main window

This mode allows you select one of several presets, without additional manual filter tuning. “GPU Usage” checkbox will enable GPU mode if available. Simple mode settings:

Advanced mode

This mode allows configure filter manually and get best quality for particular video. For all methods “Use GPU” checkbox enables GPU mode.

Combo box “Method” allows select one of four implemented algorithms.

Simple Adaptive Filter

Filter's main window

Filter parameters:

Fuzzy Adaptive Filter

Filter's main window

The filtration strength depends on amount of details in each block. Left sliders correspond to blocks without details, and right sliders correspond to edge blocks.

There are some presets, which allow quickly selecting filter configuration (use “Preset” list).

Multipass Bilateral Filter

Filter's main window

Filter parameters:

Also some general presets can be selected.

Similarity DB Filter (beta version)

We are still working on this algorithm quality improvement. This version can demonstrate suboptimal results!

Filter's main window

The Strength parameter of the filter sets strength of a filtration of video.
This filter requires the additional artifact.db file.

Job control and integration with AviSynth

Filter supports VirtualDub Job Control, and it can be used from AviSynth. Some examples are listed below.

Simple Adaptive Filter:

LoadVirtualDubPlugin("MSU_cartoon_restore.vdf","MSUCartoonRestore", 0) 

clip=AVISource("D:\work\video\film.avi", false, "RGB24")

clip.ConvertToRGB32.MSUCartoonRestore("simple", Smoothness, Threshold, GPUUsage)

Fuzzy Adaptive Filter:

LoadVirtualDubPlugin("MSU_cartoon_restore.vdf","MSUCartoonRestore", 0) 

clip=AVISource("D:\work\video\film.avi", false, "RGB24")

clip.ConvertToRGB32.MSUCartoonRestore("fuzzy", Strength10, Strength20, Strength30, Strength40, Strength50,  
                          Strength60, Strength70, Strength80, Strength90, Strength100, ShowBlockType)

Multipass Bilateral Filter:

LoadVirtualDubPlugin("MSU_cartoon_restore.vdf","MSUCartoonRestore", 0) 

clip=AVISource("D:\work\video\film.avi", false, "RGB24")

clip.ConvertToRGB32.MSUCartoonRestore("bilateral", Iterations, GeometricDispersion, PhotometricDispersion)


Source frame
Source frame
MSU Cartoon Restore
Frame processed by MSU Cartoon Restore
Source frame
Source frame
MSU Cartoon Restore
Frame processed by MSU Cartoon Restore
Source frame
Source frame
MSU Cartoon Restore: Simple Adaptive Filter
Simple Adaptive Filter
MSU Cartoon Restore: Fuzzy Adaptive Filter
Fuzzy Adaptive Filter
MSU Cartoon Restore: Multipass Bilateral FIlter
Multipass Bilateral FIlter



Please read MSU filters FAQ before mailing. .

10 Mar 2011
See Also
Video Colorization Benchmark
Explore the best video colorization algorithms
MSU Video Group / Video data filtering and compession
VirtualDub MSU Logo Remover
The filter is intended to remove logo from films
MSU Stereo To Multiview 3D Video Conversion ( Glasses-free 3D-Displays Video Content creation)
Stereo to multiview video conversion algorithm for glasses-free autostereoscopic 3D displays
MSU Video Super-Resolution Filter
This filter increases resolution of video sequence while saving and improving details and reducing artifacts.
MSU Video Group / Video data filtering and compession
Site structure