MSU Deinterlacer

Most video sources have interlaced formats (DVD video, Digital video cameras, most standard television transmissions including HDTV, PAL, SECAM etc.). However, most modern video display technologies are progressive based (Plasma panels; LCD TV; CRT High Frequency TV; CRT, LCD displays etc.) and have difficulty displaying interlaced formats. That is why the proper transformation, called de-interlacing, is necessary. We designed a new high quality de-interlacing algorithm. This is a full-fps de-interlacer i.e. it produces one frame for each field (for example, it converts 25i -> 50p), so temporal stability and interpolation of low angle edges was even more attended. Moreover this algorithm is totally automatic. Some comparisons of our algorithm to other methods can be found below.


We have tested our deinterlacer using following sequences: Tennis, Schumacher and Flag (see screenshots below):

screenshot from Tennis sequence
Tennis sequence
screenshot from Shumacher sequence
Shumacher sequence
screenshot from Flag sequence
Flag sequence

Here are zoomed parts of frames from Tennis and Schumacher sequences:

Original Part of frame 36 from Tennis
Original Part of frame 36 from Tennis
Smooth Deinterlacing for frame 36 from Tennis
Smooth Deinterlacing
Proposed Deinterlacing for frame 36 from Tennis
Smart Deinterlace for frame 36 from Tennis
Smart Deinterlace
Original Part of frame 20 from Schumacher
Original Part of frame 20 from Schumacher
Smooth Deinterlacing for frame 20 from Schumacher
Smooth Deinterlacing
Proposed Deinterlacing for frame 20 from Schumacher
Smart Deinterlace for frame 20 from Schumacher
Smart Deinterlace

This example shows considerable advantage of the proposed method over Smooth Deinterlacer and Smart Deinterlace on diagonal edges.
We have also compared our deinterlacer to commercial solutions. The following example demonstrates our advantage in a really hard case - YV12 interlaced source:

Boolet Deinterlacer for frame 67 from Flag
Boolet Deinterlacer
FieldsKit Deinterlacer for frame 67 from Flag
FieldsKit Deinterlacer
HiCon Deinterlacer for frame 67 from Flag
HiCon Deinterlacer
Proposed Deinterlacer for frame 67 from Flag

Our algorithm has also a big advantage on low angle edges:

Boolet Deinterlacer for frame 184 from Flag
Boolet Deinterlacer
FieldsKit Deinterlacer for frame 184 from Flag
FieldsKit Deinterlacer
HiCon Deinterlacer for frame 184 from Flag
HiCon Deinterlacer
Proposed Deinterlacer for frame 184 from Flag


  1. Boolet Deinterlacer - RED GIANT Software Deinterlacing
  2. FieldsKit Deinterlacer - RE:Vision Effects, Inc. Deinterlacing
  3. HiCon Deinterlacer - Fraunhofer Institut HHI Deinterlacing
  4. Smooth Deinterlacing - Smooth Deinterlacing by Gunnar Thalin v.1.1
  5. Smart Deinterlace - Smart Deinterlace by Donald Graft v.2.8 beta 1


Please contact us if you are interested in a commercial license.


Previous Deinterlacing project: MSU-Samsung Deinterlacing Project

10 Mar 2011
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