VirtualDub MSU Motion Estimation Filter

The filter performs multiframe and singleframe motion estimation and compensation in a video stream. It allows to show macroblocks’ partition, motion vectors and the accuracy of motion vectors as well.


Main filter settings
Filter configuration, "Main" property page (the main settings)

Motion estimation preset - the preset of motion estimation.

Motion estimation algorithm - the algorithm of motion estimation from the previous frame.

Block sizes - Block sizes used in motion estimation.
Maximum block size - maximum size of a block.
Minimum block size - minimum size of a block.

Precision - precision of motion vector search.
Horizontal precision - horizontal precision of motion vector search.
    Pixel - pixel precision.
    Half pixel - half pixel precision.
    Quarter pixel - quarter pixel precision.
Vertical precision - vertical precision of motion vector search.
    Pixel - pixel precision.
    Half pixel - half pixel precision.
    Quarter pixel - quarter pixel precision.

Halfpel interpolation algorithm - the algorithm of half pixel interpolation.

Number of reference frames - number of frames, from which motion estimation is performed. Can take on values from 1 to 10. If 1 reference frame is selected, singleframe motion estimation is performed.

Search radius - radius of motion vector search area.
  Horizontal - maximum length of motion vector’s horizontal projection. Can take on values from 1 to 100.
  Vertical - maximum length of motion vector’s vertical projection. Can take on values from 1 to 100.

Output - output of the filter.
  Compensated frame - show frame after motion compensation.
  Residual after motion compensation - show the residual between the original frame and the compensated one.
  Residual without motion compensation - show the residual between the original frame and the previous one.

Borders allowed - allow compensation from blocks, exceeding the frame borders.

Extra filter settings
Filter configuration, "Extras" property page (the additional settings)

Colorspace - the colorspace to perform motion estimation in.

Output settings - settings of filter output.
  Show MVs - show motion vectors. The mode is unavailable if Show residual without motion compensation is chosen or the number of reference frames exceeds 1. The vectors are displayed in different colors depending on their accuracy if Force MV’s constant color isn’t chosen.
  Show MBs - show macroblocks’ partition. Macroblocks are drawn in the same color as motion vectors.
  Color blocks according to accuracy - color blocks depending on motion vector accuracy.
  Force MV’s constant color - draw motion vectors in a specified color not depending on motion vector accuracy.

  Integer-pixel MV color - the color of pixel precision motion vectors and corresponding blocks.
  Half-pixel MV color - the color of half-pixel precision motion vectors and corresponding blocks.
  Quarter-pixel MV color - the color of quarter-pixel precision motion vectors and corresponding blocks.
  MV color - the color of all motion vectors, if Force MV’s constant color is chosen.

Log - logging of filter statistics.
The following indexes are saved: the time of filter execution, FPS, the algorithm of motion estimation, motion vector search area, allowed block sizes, a mean number of SAD calculations per pixel.
  Save log - save the log in a log-file.
  Choose file - choose a log-file.

Job control & AviSynth

The filter supports Job Control, which allows to use it in AviSynth. Example:

LoadVirtualDubPlugin("...\VirtualDub\plugins\MSU_Motion_Estimation.vdf","MSU_Motion_Estimation", 0)
clip=AVISource("...\clip_input.avi", false, "RGB24")


# Description Allowed values
1 Motion estimation algorithm 0 - MSU
1 - Full search
2 Maximum block size 16 - 16x16
8 - 8x8
4 - 4x4
3 Minimum block size 16 - 16x16
8 - 8x8
4 - 4x4
4 Horizontal precision 0 -pixel precision
1 - half pixel precision
2 - quarter pixel precision
5 Vertical precision 0 -pixel precision
1 - half pixel precision
2 - quarter pixel precision
6 Halfpel interpolation algorithm 0 - 6-tap filter (H.264)
1 - bilinear interpolation
7 Number of reference frames from 1 to 10
8 Horizontal maximum motion from 1 to 100
9 Vertical maximum motion from 1 to 100
10 Output 0 - compensated frame
1 - residual after compensation
2 - residual without compensation
11 Borders allowed 0 - forbid compensation from blocks, exceeding the frame borders
1 - allow compensation from blocks, exceeding the frame borders
12 Colorspace 0 - YUV
1 - YV12
2 - RGB
13 Show MVs This parameter is ignored in the case of Output = 2 or Number of reference frames > 1

0 - don’t show motion vectors
1 - show motion vectors
14 Show MBs 0 - don’t show macroblocks’ partition
1 - show macroblocks’ partition
15 Save log 0 - don’t save statistics to a log-file
1 - save statistics to a log-file
16 File path to the log-file


“Foreman” test sequence, 16x16 block size.

A frame from the sequence
A frame from the sequence
The next frame from the sequence
The next frame from the sequence
Compensated frame with motion vectors
Compensated frame with motion vectors, blocks are colored according to motion vectors' accuracy
Residual without motion compensation
Residual without motion compensation
Residual after motion compensation
Residual after motion compensation

“Susie” test sequence, 16x16 - 4x4 block sizes.

A frame from the sequence
A frame from the sequence
The next frame from the sequence
The next frame from the sequence
Compensated frame with motion vectors
Compensated frame with motion vectors and macroblocks' partition
Residual without motion compensation
Residual without motion compensation
Residual after motion compensation
Residual after motion compensation


This filter for VirtualDub (148 kb, ZIPped)

10 Mar 2011
See Also
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The First extensive comparison of Learned Image Compression algorithms
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MSU Video Group / Video data filtering and compession
Site structure