VirtualDub MSU Noise Estimation Filter


This filter is used to estimate mean noise variance in video sequences. The result is saved into a log file.


Settings dialog box
The basic menu of the filter

Noise estimation algorithm - the algorithm used to estimate noise. Following modes supported:

Advanced - configure algorithm details

Write noise estimates for each frame into file - path to log file.

Configure algorithm details: Block-Based

Block-based advanced dialog box
Block-based advanced dialog box

Block size - The parameter influencing on speed of work and accuracy of an estimation. The increase of this parameter reduces accuracy and reduces time of performance. For video with small homogeneous areas it is recommended to use smaller values.

Search step - The parameter influencing on speed of work and stability of an estimation. Great values increase speed of work and reduce stability of an estimation.

Rate - The parameter influencing on reliability and stability of an estimation. Great values are reasonable for using for video with the big homogeneous areas.

Margin - The size of unused edges of the image.

Brightness border - The parameter influencing reliability of an estimation. For video visually strongly polluted it is recommended to increase this parameter.

Configure algorithm details: Spatio-Temporal Gradients

Spatio-temporal gradients advanced dialog box
Spatio-temporal gradients advanced dialog box

Evaluation stability - The parameter influencing on stability of an estimation. The increase of this parameter increases stability, but reduces accuracy of an estimation.

Brightness border - The parameter influencing on reliability of an estimation. For video visually strongly polluted it is recommended to increase this parameter.

Job control & AviSynth

The filter supports Job Control, which allows to use it in AviSynth. Example:

LoadVirtualDubPlugin("...\VirtualDub\plugins\MSUNoiseEstimator.vdf","MSU_Noise_Estimator", 0)
clip=AVISource("...\clip_input.avi", false, "RGB24")
clip.ConvertToRGB32.MSU_Noise_Estimator("C:\log.csv", 0)


# Description Allowed values
0 File Path to log file
1 Algorithm 0 - MAD
1 - Block-Based
2 - Spatio-Temporal Gradients
3 - All algorithms


Each graph shows the examples of noise detection on 4 video sequences: the original one and 3 with noise added.

"Shattered" test sequence
"Shattered" test sequence. Noise was added using MSU Noise Generator v2.1.
"Susie" test sequence with the removed odd frames
"Susie" test sequence with the removed odd frames. Noise was added using MSU Noise Generator v2.1.


This filter for VirtualDub (112 kb, ZIPped)

10 Mar 2011
See Also
Learning-Based Image Compression Benchmark
The First extensive comparison of Learned Image Compression algorithms
MSU Video Group / Video data filtering and compession
VirtualDub MSU Logo Remover
The filter is intended to remove logo from films
MSU Stereo To Multiview 3D Video Conversion ( Glasses-free 3D-Displays Video Content creation)
Stereo to multiview video conversion algorithm for glasses-free autostereoscopic 3D displays
MSU Video Super-Resolution Filter
This filter increases resolution of video sequence while saving and improving details and reducing artifacts.
MSU Video Group / Video data filtering and compession
Site structure