MSU Video2Photo Super-Resolution Filter
Filter for making quality freeze-frames!
- Method ideas: Dr. Dmitriy Vatolin
- Implementation: Artem Titarenko*
This filter is intended to create stills from videos with high
resolution and good quality.
Improvement is achieved not only due to information from one frame but
also using it in the whole video sequence.
Main problem of this filter is slow speed.
Here is the comparison of MSU Video2Photo filter results with original
frames increased by factor of 2 and bicubic resize method.
Only freeze-frames and corresponding frames of source videos are shown,
other frames are omitted.
First example is the 4-th frame of test sequence “news”:
Source frame
Bicubic-resized frame
Processed with MSU Video2Photo frame
Source frame
Bicubic-resized frame
Processed with MSU Video2Photo frame
Further pictures are fragments of frame from the “mobile” sequence:
Source frame
Bicubic-resized frame
Processed with MSU Video2Photo frame
Another example is the 4-th frame of “foreman” sequence:
Source frame
Bicubic-resized frame
Processed with MSU Video2Photo frame
And the frame from the “src_ref_625” sequence:
Source frame
Bicubic-resized frame
Processed with
MSU Video2Photo frame
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MSU Benchmark Collection
- Learning-Based Image Compression Benchmark
- Super-Resolution for Video Compression Benchmark
- Video Colorization Benchmark
- Defenses for Image Quality Metrics Benchmark
- Super-Resolution Quality Metrics Benchmark
- Deinterlacer Benchmark
- Video Saliency Prediction Benchmark
- Metrics Robustness Benchmark
- Video Upscalers Benchmark
- Video Deblurring Benchmark
- Video Frame Interpolation Benchmark
- HDR Video Reconstruction Benchmark
- No-Reference Video Quality Metrics Benchmark
- Full-Reference Video Quality Metrics Benchmark
- Video Alignment and Retrieval Benchmark
- Mobile Video Codecs Benchmark
- Video Super-Resolution Benchmark
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