MSU Denoiser Filter

Version 2.5.1 released

The filter is designed for noisy video stream processing, video quality improvement, or video preprocessing (e.g. for preprocessing before compression or deinterlacing). The filter implementation is able to use GPU processing power to increase the processing speed.

DOWNLOAD — Free version for non-commercial home usage only

Change log

Version 2.5.1 (Download it now)

Version 2.5

Version 2.0 beta


By default filter uses automatic noise estimation and is ready for video processing without any manual setup. In this mode user can slightly correct denoising strength to achieve necessary results Automatic noise estimation checkbox controls this mode.

Filter parameters dialog box
Filter parameters dialog box

Setting the checkbox you can select GPU or CPU versions of algorithm.

GPU-mode is available
GPU-mode is available, so you can use GPU for video processing (this feature is optional)
GPU-mode is not available
GPU-mode is unavailable. The most probable reason is that your computer does not meet the minimum system requirements of the filter

Note that not all graphic-cards are supported. We recommend to use ATI Radeon X700 or higher and nVidia Geforce 6600 or higher. The filter requires OpenGL 2.1 support. We strongly recommend installing the latest video-drivers when using GPU-mode to achieve better performance.

Some GPUs does not provide required accuracy and video will be processed with some visual artifacts. So at filter startup certain test are run and the user will be warned in the case of possible quality issues:

Filter parameters dialog box
Filter parameters dialog box

Filter provides two different algorithms for video denoising (selection is made via Algorithms list):

Filter supports Job Control and can be used with AviSynth. Here is an example:

LoadVirtualDubPlugin("..\VirtualDub\plugins\MSUDenoiser251.vdf", "MSUDenoiser", 1)
clip = AviSource("video.avi")
clip.ConvertToRGB32.MSUDenoiser(algorithm, gpuMode, correction, shotDetection)



Let’s consider filter operation on “Suzie” sequence first. The sequence is quite noisy in spatial and temporal domains. Here is a visual comparison of source frame and the frame processed by MSU Denoiser:

Source frame with noise
Source frame with noise
Frame processed with MSU Denoiser
Frame processed with MSU Denoiser (made with “High Noise” preset that emphasizes filter effect)

Performance comparison

Here is a comparison between two versions of MSU Denoiser: old version without GPU processing and new version with GPU processing

Processing speed graph
Comparison of filter processing speed on different hardware
Performance gain graph
Processing speed gain of GPU-mode compared with CPU (Pentium 4 3.4 GHz) version of algorithm


To use the filter download the archive using the link given below and extract its content into VitualDub plugins directory.



10 Mar 2011
See Also
Learning-Based Image Compression Benchmark
The First extensive comparison of Learned Image Compression algorithms
MSU Video Group / Video data filtering and compession
VirtualDub MSU Logo Remover
The filter is intended to remove logo from films
MSU Stereo To Multiview 3D Video Conversion ( Glasses-free 3D-Displays Video Content creation)
Stereo to multiview video conversion algorithm for glasses-free autostereoscopic 3D displays
MSU Video Super-Resolution Filter
This filter increases resolution of video sequence while saving and improving details and reducing artifacts.
MSU Video Group / Video data filtering and compession
Site structure